Monday, April 9, 2007

truly venting out! a crappy day!

this is not how i wanted to start, but SERIOUSLY where is common sense in people. by defination its supposed to be well........ common. arrgh!why does every body not use their own brain and save alot of trouble. mostly we tend to follow the crowd, making rumour mongerers sooo happy. today i realised how simple it is to change mass opinion.
this is the modus operandi
AIM: to create alot of misinformation.
POA: catch a message carrier usually gullible, sweet, naive and ofcourse social.

Step 1. send a desperate SMS, e-mail , or plain and simple make a frantic call, i heard from so and so about this and that and YOU KNOW WHAT we've got it all wrong SHE SAY's, HE SAY's blah blah blah. and then the deadly words please can u call and CONFIRM. ( why dont u do that ureself eh??)

Step 2. the nice gullible person X gets worried, ponders on the issue gets worried some more and well informs everyone on his/her contact list.
Step 3. ppl get worried make frantic calls to each other but still no one does anything, only precipitate the issue by informing more people and adding further eyes and ears to the matter.

Step 4. some idiot like me who hates keeping matters dangling tries to reassure people, "everythings fine just a misunderstanding" but of course no one believes so I try to get in touch with the concerned authorities, I clarify the issue and I have to explain the same thing to half dozen odd people who will keep asking the same questions but will never listen to its logical answer.

what i am left with is a hoarse voice, a depleted phone balance and well no gratitude nothing zilch, nada , nothing.

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